Tennis elbow is nothing new for the rehabilitation division, and the orthopedic
outpatient clinic, the most important part ofthe treatment is to rest the injured tendon
and elbow, the patients are required to rest their elbow joint during the treatment,
with many uncontrollable factors in treatment and prognosis, many patients
experience limited results. After Enrac CMT D course, treating tennis elbow is no
longer costly and time-consuming, treating tennis elbow is now effortless and
Tennis elbow. also known as "shooter's elbow" and "archer's elbow, is a
condition where the outer part of the elbow becomes sore and tender, tenderness
and pain occur as the elbow bends and straightens, the pain gets so bad that the
patient could not even be able to hold a cup, the patients usually feel discomfort
or pain on the outside (lateral) side of the upper arm near the elbow even when
In Western medicine, the pathophysiology of tennis elbow is a symptom caused
from muscles and tendons of the forearm attach to the outside bony area of the
elbow extensor muscle
When the extensor carpi radialis brevis is overuse, tears form in the tendon where
it attaches to the lateral epicondyle. This leads to inflammation and pain, the pain
is aggravated by clenching, gripping or lifting an object.
Many people with tennis elbow participate in work or recreational activities that
require repetitive and vigorous use of the forearm muscle.
Tennis players or housewives are particularly prone to developing tennis elbow
because of the repetition and weight lifting required.
Typical western medicine treatment:
1. Local injections treatment
2. muscle relaxant
3. physical therapy (fomentation, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.
interference wave therapy, ultrasound therapy etc.) and elbow straps are used to
provide targeted pressure and relief to muscles and tendons, but they can only
provide short-term pain relief with high recurrence rate.
During the Enrac D course, Dr. Ko addressed the importance of finding out the
pathophysiology of the diseases- local or central.
Localized diseases
pain caused by local injury, unilateral injury the pain is restricted to a single area
of the body local inflammation symptoms (swelling pain, burning sensation)the
pain and numbness symptoms do not involve all four extremities.
Treating tennis elbow becomes effortless after finding out how the disease began
and identifies the causes.
From Enrac CMT's prospective, over 90% of all tennis elbow cases are caused
by lesions in CNS. the strained of thoracic vertebrae and lumbar vertebrae lead
to spinal inflammation(spondylitis) , we must find the underlying cause of the
problem, fixing the root of an issue.
Case 1
Mr. Chen is a tennis coach, he has always been coaching tennis and participates
in tennis tournaments, as he is a right-handed player,
he was in recently about 4 months ago, he is right handed, he went to the doctor
due to soreness and pain in right elbow joint, after physical therapy rehabilitation
on the right elbow the patient's condition was unstable, his friend recommended
him to come to Enrac, according to his medical history, he had not had any
previous injuries, according to Dr. Ko's theory,there must be lesions in his CNS,
because the patient is a tennis coach, thoracic vertebrae and lumbar vertebrae
Rebound force exerted at the elbow during tennis game and repetitive workload
exerted at the elbow joint cause muscle to tense up, improper form may also had
caused his injury, after diagnosis. we found out most corresponding pain points
located in sternum level T5-6, after I treated him with CMT (reducing-method), his pain was relieved by 70-80%.
C a s e ll
Mrs. Wang, 30 year-old. housewife, right handed. she has had suffered soreness
and pain in left elbow more than a year, She was diagnosed with left tennis elbow
by Rehabilitation Division. after half year of physical therapy and medication
treatment. Her symptoms were still unstable, the result was somewhat poor, she
came to Enrac through recommendation.
Medical history:
the patient's medical record indicates there were no previous injuries, according
to Dr. Ko's theory,all the symptoms indicated lesions in CNS.lumbar vertebrae
correspondence abdomen (Ren meridian) L4-5 level, using reducing method,the
pain was relieved by 70-80%, the pain was completely relieved after one week
of treatment(6 treatments).
Typical discussion of the tennis elbow(lateral epicondylitis) are specifically
involves the area where the muscles and tendons of the forearm attach to the
outside bony area(lateral epicondyle) of the elbow), the relation between elbow
pain and cervical vertebra.thoracic vertebrae and lumbar vertebrac were seldom
After the study of Enrac CMT, Dr. Ko discussed about elbow area pain and its
relation to cervical vertebrae. thoracic vertebrae and lumbar vertebrae, studying
the vital flow to diagnose the cause of pain is a brand new theory, it is truly worth
studying. Dr KO's theory about treating elbow pain is nothing short of amazing.
When playing tennis or lifting heavy objects, beside hands and elbows,
simultaneous involvement of muscles in other parts of body like cervical vertebrae
, thoracic vertebrae,lumbar vertebrae, and sacral vertebrae are also required for
the follow through movement. The strained or over-used of any of those parts may
cause the inflammation of the spinal cord,pain in the hand and wrist or shoulder
joint or ankle joint may reflect a problem underlying in other areas of the body.
Treating diseases according to their origin is the central thinking of Enrac CMT,
in many cases patients' symptoms and pain are simply caused by the inflammation
of the spinal cord,I truly think this is something we all need to make a study of,
lastly I want to thank Dr. Ko for his teaching, and may we all pray for a
painless world.
Case Report:Ming Der huang, M.D