liver and kidney function tests were normal, I explained the basic concept of Enrac CMT to the patient, her waist pain should caused by (spine Aylll, Axlll) and lower limb pain was correspond with spinal cord segments. I decided to treat the patient with the principal of not to force anything and use external medicine to treat first.
On her return there was discomfort and pain in her upper left chest, the medicine treatment was not effective. An x-ray showed the patient had lumbar scoliosis associated with old fractures of the left 5th to 8th ribs (photo 1), another closer look at the lumbar spine x-ray shows T5-12, Ll-5 were curved,and there was Iumbar foraminal stenosis of L3-4(photo 2, chart l), chart l. One thing that all Enrac physicians talk about during the class was that there will somehow always be patients coming in that give the physicians a chance to give back what were just learnt, Mrs. Zhao was such patient, she was excited about the Enrac CMT and she made the commitment to follow through with the CMT treatment.
I treated the patient once a week with press sticks at first, patient's pain improved by 80%.On the second treatment I used press sticks with meridian traction reducing method of Ayll/bc+c+a, she told me she had not had that much comfort in a long while, her waist pain was totally gone! But the good news also became somewhat of an obstacle for my next treatment,the pressing points on her body were slightly bruised, I had to make a couple changes with my treatment pressurization, first I used the laser instead of press stick and I changed my initial traction reducing method of Ayll/bc+c+ato Aylll, Axlll reducing the mother, the father-organ to enhance the treatment , followed with press stick treatment of the du-meridian;because the patient is 4' 10" height (148 cm) and weighted only around 38 kilograms,I had to be cautious and only emphasized on some of the main treatment points, the result could reached a 60-70% improvement, on the fourth treatment I continued the treatment with laser along with a different prescription of traction reducing method Ayll/6, the result was as effective.
Take a look back at the patient's medical history, she was hit by a scooter from behind 42 years ago, because there were no obvious injuries, she did not go to a doctor to seek medical advice, but experience back pain,soon she started to the pain worsened by lying supine, then 5 years ago she suffered a broken left frontal chest rib, the broken rib combined with her previous injury started to cause her swelling and soreness in the waist.The waist pain worsened about a year ago,she even had difficulty to straighten her body,she also suffered chronic diseases like high blood pressure, hypothyroidism, mild asthma and dyslipidemia. Her medical record showed mostly just her follow-up clinic visits, and most hospitals and clinics treated all her symptoms separately, in the study of Enrac CMT, this was a case of lesion CNS, the problem mainly laid in the hypothalamus, vagus nerve (the tenth cranial nerve), and lower CNS thoraco lumbar;in this case disregarded the disease name actually simplified the treatment process, by the 3rd treatment, patient's other symptoms like chest tightness and stomach discomfort had also improved, the pain level improved by 70%.
However the treatment plan did not resume after 4 treatment sessions due to schedule conflict (the patient had to leave the country),despite there was still some heaviness in her waist, she was happy with the result of Enrac CMT, after all she was bothered by her waist pain for more than 40 years, neglected symptoms gradually led to a severe deformity of the wrist. even with only 4 weeks of treatments, the experience was heartfelt on both sides.
Case Report:Tzu-Hua Su, M.D. And Nan-Chao Su. M.D