Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Helping Young women to curb Constipation Symptoms

Constipation is a complaint that affects many women for many reasons,many females get constipated because of their desire to get fit or lose weight, the treatment time is 20 minutes, all patients had positive responses about Enrac CMT afterward.

Constipation is a complaint that affects many women for many reasons, many females get constipated because of their desire to get fit or Lose weight, and they usually restrict their diet and do not have a varied and balanced diet.
Constipation is more common in women,there are also many folk prescriptions among young females in avoiding fecal impaction, fecal impaction is actually a blockage in the rectum.

Signs and symptoms

A modern lifestyle and modern diet play major factors in the cause of today's common conditions. Constipation is a very common ailment; constipation can also be a symptom of illnesses like:hemorrhoids, colon cancer, liver disease.ulcer, colon diverticulitis, acne or rough skin, Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular diseases, breast cancer, asthma, Urticaria and many other concurrent symptoms.

The art of medicine

The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease-Voltaire; The quote has great resemblance to the philosophy of Enrac Ko Medicine,by employing the principle of vital flow regulation, symptoms and illnesses can all be eliminated; Enrac CMT can boost immune function and help the human body restore its normal functions without medications.
In Enrac Ko Medicine, symptoms are classified into CNS-related symptoms or localized symptoms, Human Anatomy Drawing in most medical sciences usually takes a regional approach on the large intestine (see illustration1), the treatment principle in Enrac Ko Medicine examines the symptoms from a 3-D prospective(see illustration 2), CNS does not get overlooked,the outline for the treatment is very clear to see.

Prescription for treating constipation
The treatment starts in the CNS, from the meeting point of head and neck to the abdominal region (1~3), this complete treatment prescription not only treats the CNS-related symptoms, all the regional symptoms will also be treated (4~6).

Treatment methods of Enrac Ko Medicine

As for treatment, I used press sticks and low reactive level laser (3 joules), 20 seconds on each pressure points. The low reactive level laser treatment is less painful than the press sticks treatment, the treatment procedure can be done in 15~25 minutes.


In Enrac Ko medicine, it is important to specifically explain to the patients about the treatment procedure, the patients do not need to change their previous life style or diet and they have to stop the intake of drugs that promote defecation after Enrac CMT. The patient group consists of mostly females.

The clinical cases showed that the therapeutic effects of Enrac CMT treated and improved the symptoms of up t0 90% of all primary constipation patients, the treatment time is 20 minutes, all patients had positive responses about Enrac CMT,and the treatment process also helped them better to understand their symptoms and the possibilities of other constipation related illnesses.

Case report by:Tzu-Hua Su, M.D. & Nan-Chao Su, M.D