The patient is a 52 year-old female, she suffered left chest injury at the junction of
her right second rib and sternum when she was 27 year old. Epidural anesthesia ..
was used twice when she gave birth at hospitals.She started to suffer from
Rhomboid muscle pain (r+l Aylll/b) 7 years ago, then right ankle pain (IAxlll/bc),
pain in right foot (rAxlll/bc),Pain between shoulder blades (myofascial pain
syndrome;MPS), then right ankle pain,right foot pain, left calf pain and left sole
pain seven years ago, lower back pain(r+l Aylll/4) , the pain was on and off during
the past 7years, right neck and shoulder pain wrist joint pain she complain of chills
(shivering) after taking anti-inflammatory drugs insomnia and depressive symptom made most clinics labeled her as untreatable,she turned to Enrac CMT for help.
When the patient was standing up her head was tiled to the left, the nasolabial fold
on the left side of her face is less pronounced than the right side, the12 pairs of
cranial nerves were healthy with usual neck movement back hurts like the pain
press points du meridian trigger point are T5-6, T9-10, and L4-5 , the pain was
usually more pronounced in L4-5.
According to the patient's symptoms,the patient's symptoms were not localized
symptoms (single pain spot)or spinal cord localization symptoms(numbness)nor
upper brain symptoms (no numbness in the yang side of hand and yin side of foot),
therefore it was spinal cord (line) injuries, because of her right shoulder neck
pain (rTyll/a) we know the lesions were located in the cervical vertebra and Atlas.The inflammation of cervical vertebra and Atlas can expand upward or
downward, the upward expansion of the inflammation caused her left ear pain,
depression, insomnia, and left facial muscle weakness, the downward expansion
of the inflammation downward caused rhomboid muscle pain, lower back pain.
calf pain and ankle pain.
Treatment prescription............
The result of first treatment was a 50% improvement, the patient was amazed,
and none of her previous doctors were able to relieve her pain. the patient could
not really indentified the amount of her pain decreased, the pain was no longer
intractable or unbearable. the recurrence of the pain was also reduced.
I tended to use Electrotherapy Stimulator to treat but that was before the
application of adhesive electrode pads, the results were proven. I also used
low-level laser to replace Electrotherapy Stimulator sometimes, the results of all
3 treatment methods were proven but I feel the Electrotherapy Stimulator with
press sticks has the best therapeutic eftect, then comes the wavelength 810 nm
low-level laser therapy, and lastly the adhesive electrode pads, I had shared my
clinical experience with all my fellow Enrac classmates and their feedbacks
were similar.
In this case, the upward extension of' the inflammation in the Atlas and cervical
vertebra resulted in ailments in many of the body organs, particularly in tenth
cranial nerve(vagus nerve), the patient supposed to have autonomic nervous
system disorders, but because the patient did not have any symptoms of autonomic
nervous disorders, we can be sure that the patient was suffering from the upward
extension of the inflammation in the Atlas and cervical vertebra, therefore the
treatment prescription can be simplified as follows:
Case Report by Tai Sheng Tan, M.D