The patient is a friend of my mother, she is 78 ear-old, 10 plus years ago the
patient suffered from fallopian tube cancer and cirrhosis from hepatitis C, her
condition improved after she underwent surgery,chemotherapy and intra-
abdominal thermal therapy, however during the last 2 years she had been in and
abdominal thermal therapy, however during the last 2 years she had been in and
out of hospital emergency care because of intestinal adhesion, ascites and
abdominal distension, last year she had a surgery because of hernia caused by
massive ascites.
Even though treatments with EnracCMT Electrotherapy Stimulator had relieved
her numbness in extremities, she decided to stop the treatment because she did not
cope well with the electrical stimulation. (the hyperparathyroidism and CRPS
made her sensitive to pain, burning, tickling, touch and other sensations), for the
past 2 years she had to go back to the hospital for albumin injection and ascites
fluid drainage every 3 months.
April of this year I started to treat her with low-power laser, the intestinal adhesion
and massive ascites due to cirrhosis made her gained weight in the abdomen with
thin arms and legs, she was unable to move and needed a 24 hour care she was not
able to get off the bed on her own,she lost her appetite and had to often check into
emergency because of abdominal distention.
After the patient was treated with Enrac CMT, her condition has had improved,
it was easier for her to pass gas and her urine volume had increased, a decrease
in the amount of ascitic fluid, she also regained her appetite.
She gained her weight back, the color of her thenar muscles and her face also
indicated her muscle blood flow was back to normal,blood protein and plate let
level also went up,on may 7th abdominal ultrasound revealed left sided pleural
effusion flatulence; then she went back for another ultrasound on July 30th,
the ultrasound revealed that the symptom had been treated.the patient was extremely
happy, I mainly treated her with CMT prescriptions for intestinal adhesion and
massive ascites due to cirrhosis, each treatment session was about 50minutes.
Treatment prescription:
The patient checked into the hospital on august 3rd because of esophagogastric
variceal bleeding, since then her condition has been stabilized, and now she
resumed Enrac CMT twice a week.
Being a physician, treating patient with intestinal adhesion and cirrhosis with
massive ascites has had always been a difficult task,there is not much I can do
except drain an abnormal accumulation of ascetic fluid to make breathing easier
and to relieve abdominal discomfort. But now I am really confident about treating
intestinal adhesion and abdominal distention patients with Enrac CMT, but as for
treating cirrhosis with massive ascites this is my first, the treatment result was not
pronounced during the first month of' treatment,and then the amazing thing happened,
9 days after her last treatment her weight was downfrom 46.4kg to 44.8kg, her urine
volume increased and her abdomen appeared flat. It was a break through to me,
this is also a good news for all the gastroenterology patients, I am very grateful
for Dr. Ko and all the courses and lessons offered to me.
An elderly who had been sick since her youth, her body had gone through various
pain,she was living in fear and anger, the negative emotions or mood that brought
by her sickness and pain also altered the harmony of her family.
Since received the treatment of Enrac CMT, she is now able to move freely,
chat with neighbors,and greet the guests. Even though my daily life has been busier
(I have spent more time intreating patients) but the knowledge I gained through
Enrac CMT in treating patients with various symptoms (facial numbness, facial
paralysis, compression of the sciatic nerve.numbness in extremities etc)
is priceless.Therefore I consider Enrac CMT an amazing treatment method and
a sweet responsibility.
(Case Report:Wu Shun Lung,M.D)