I want to thank God for the chance that he gave me to get in touch
with Enrac KoMedicine. Because of his encouragement, I have been
able to treat myself and many other patients. --Yu-Hsiung Wu.M.D.
First of all, I want to thank God for the chance that He gave me
to get in touch with Enrac Ko Medicine.Because of His
encouragement, I have been able to treat myself and many other
l am a registered and qualified dentist, I have a solid dental
background and degree. I set strict damands on myself, and it was
what I learn in Logic class that allows me to see through most of
the false and misleading claims made in medical advertising,
labeling, and other forms of marketing.i was a non-believer for
all of the so-called alternative treatments.
However, all my strict training and knowledge did not give me a
healthy body. Because of my poverty and heredity, as well as the
nature and pressure of my occupation, I have been weak and sickly
since childhood. I have often had to and been willing to expend
my last drop of energy to deliver high quality dental care to my
patients,and I could maintain the grind when I was young,but after
ten plus years, it was starting to take it stoll on my body.
It started with some pain in my neck and shoulder, and more
symptoms soon followed:serious coughing, a very bad constipation,
irritable bowel syndrome, and insomnia. It was torturing.
After doing some research on the Internet. I was pretty sure I was
suffering from"chronic fatigue syndrome" and felt there was a possibility that I might drop dead on any given night. Living
was not enjoyable at all for me,death was constantly hanging over
my head, and I probably wouldn't have made it if wasn't formy
Even as a proud and firm believer in science,I had no choice but
to turn myself to alternative treatments or other treatment
methods which I did not whole heartedly believe in. I did not
want to give up any chances with illnesses all over my body.
Early in 2008, I received another ad from Enrac. I remembered
I had previously received one before, and thead had gone straight
to the trash can at that time. However, I had had a change in
circumstances since that time. The ad came with a DVD and included
many patients testimonies. Amazed by the content of the DVD and
a reference from a trust worthy old colleague, I started my
training in Enrac Ko Medicine.
Besides the blessing I received from God, I also received enormous
help and encouragement from my fellow Enrac physicians so that I
could persevere with my study of Enrac Ko Medicine in spite of
all the obstacles and failures I experienced in the beginning.
My first patient was one of the sisters in my church. She was
having left-sided knee pain and was contemplating a knee surgery.
I was still in the basic course at the time, but I decided to
give Enrac CMT a try and treated her with prescriptions from one
of Enrac' s treatment manual.Something incredible happened.
Her pain was relieved right after the treatment.
I treated several other patients after that.In addition,
after treating myself with treatment sticks,
I purchased an Enrac electro therapy stimulator to treat myself.
The curative effect I noticed was some what gradual at first,
but slowly, my sleeping problem began to improve.
I was able to sleep well again, a long, deep sleep which I had
not experienced in a long time, and it felt marvelous.
I still have not fully recovered from all of my health problems,
but my constipation and upper body pain have been greatly improved.
Now I am using Enrac CMT to treat my child's near sightedness
and my presbyopia. I have also relieved the symptoms of two
patients who were suffering from an intractable disease.
My goal is to fully master Enrac Ko Medicine so that I can not
only relieve their symptoms but also help them fully recover.
I still have my doubts regarding Enrac Ko Medicine,
I doubt the therapeutic effect of this medical science has an end,
and my knowledge and study of Enrac Ko Medicine has no end.
Dr.Ko's Diagnosis
The patient's symptoms were mainly caused by the inflammation of
spinal cord during his birth;
it led to accumulation in mesencephalic-diencephalic area
and pons medullary cell compression.
---.The treatments should mainly focus on the Atlas accumulated
symptoms in mesencephalic-diencephalic area.
1. Accumulated nerve cells of diencephalon
(thalamus and hypothalamus) cause:
sleeping disorder, difficulty with focus, and tiredness
-----after treatment:Significant improvement of sleep quality
2. Accumulated nerve cells of the diencephalon hypothalamus
flatulence, chest tightness, depression, fears and body aches
-------after treatment:Sighnificant Improve in mood and ideation
3. The illness also causes disorder to the heat regulating center,
feeding center, the satiety center, and thirst center.
**Symptom of accumulation in mesencephalic area: Heaviness in
the eyes
**Symptoms caused by the pons-medullary cell compression:
Loss of taste (VII 2/3 to the tip of the tongue, IX l/3 to the
tongue base (retrolingual)chronic fatigue syndrome
and many childhood infections.
Symptoms caused by the inflammation of the spinal cord and spine:
neck and shoulder pain and soreness.
----------after treatment:increased arm flexibility
T1~4 Symptoms caused by the inflammation of the spinal cord and
spine: Myofascial Pain Syndrome, coughing.
-----------after treatment:the caughing was relieved
The central principle of Enrac Ko medicine
The treatment will focus on spinal cord Atlas-
the cervical vertebra-T1~4, spine and the
lower brainstem, the prescription is: