I felt great after just the treatment;the medical inquiry wasIike talking to a confident .
After three months of being treated with Enrac CMT,my left leg has vastly
Typical features of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
(also called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome, i.e.,RSD) Include:
(1) intense burning pain,
(2) swelling,
(3) autonomic nervous system disorders,
(4) uncoordinated movement,
(5) dramatic changes in the color and texture of the skin
over the affected limb or body part.
People with this syndrome may have skin that sometimes is excessively sweaty.
Symptoms often become worse after 3-6 months. It is suggested to have a three
phase bone scan performed early so that the doctors can use the scan result to
evaluate the patient's condition.
Moving or touching the limb is often intolerable for RSD patients, and due to the
severity of the pain, sympathetic nerve blocks,spinal cord stimulation, or even
motor cortex stimulation are sometimes needed to manage the pain.
However, with the birth of Enrac CMT, such pain has become easier to manage.
There are already many successful cases of CRPS being treated in Taiwan,U.S.
and Japan. The following is a real-life clinical case in the patient's own words.
Clinical case report:
I started to go to the Penchu HospitalDepartment of Urology in October of 2003
because of blood in my urine (Hematuria),. After the doctor performed a
cystoscopy and biopsy, according to the indication for cystoscopy, I suffered from
a malignant bladder tumor, and after consulting with my doctor, I was transferred
to the Taipei Veterans General Hospital, where a doctor performed a radical
cystectomy with a urinary diversion. The surgery was somewhat successful, but it
caused some swelling that led to the compartment syndrome, so the doctors had an
emergency meeting and performed another surgery to fix that. I was discharged
from the hospital after a month, but my nerve had been partially damaged during
the emergent surgery that saved my life, and the side effects of the surgery gave
me Rhabdomyolysis. I had intractable pain in my legs, the pain level being at a
level of 9 on a scale of l to 10.
I subsequently returned to Penchu Hospital for treatment, and the doctor prescribed
me the exact same medicine, so I was on medication for a year.
However,my condition and pain did not improve under those medications,
and I spent the next 3 years doing rehabilitation treatment,the results of which
were poor, and during which the quality of my life was virtually non-existent.
It was not until 2008, under Dr. Lee's suggestion, I went to Dr. Ko for Enrac CMT,
but because of my past experiences,I had tons of doubts before I went to him for
I felt great after just the first treatment, the medical inquiry was like talking to a
confidant, and his questions were detailed concerning present symptoms.
The doctor stressed the idea of how a seemingly simple and harmless symptom
could be significant.
On the whole, my experience with Enrac was just great, and I am not exaggerating about the therapeutic effect of Enrac CMT! Prior to my treatment,I was having
severe sleeping disorder, butI was able to sleeping like a baby after the treatment.
As impossible as it seems, one time my family even tried to call emergency
because they thought I had passed out; it had just been impossible for me to have a
deep sleep before. I also recall there was a time when I was asked to work in far
away region for a week. I had a relapse of my symptoms, and even morphine could
not relieve my pain. In the end, I had to spend about 12,000 NT (about 440 USD)
to rent a boat to go back to the city side for CMT, and even though that expense
was six times the cost of treatment, I still think it was worth it because when you
are in severe pain like I was at that point, all the money you have seems worthless.
After three months of being treated w/th Enrac CMT, my lef't leg has vastly
improved and my pain threshold level is down to a 3 0r 4.
Because of the seriousness of the pain in my right leg. It has not recovered as
drastically as my left leg, but the pain level there is down as well,and my senses
have also come back.
I personally think the best quality of Enrac Ko CMT is that chronic.intractable
pains can be relieved without medications. injections, or direct contact with the
painful areas: it is painless, itis truly unique; and I feel it is a pity that health
insurance does not cover a treatment with such positive effect to the patients.
But I think if the masses try to embrace it,it still has the chance to grow into a fully-functioned treatment in our society. Even if one's insurance does not cover the
treatment and it costs me money to receive treatments,those who have not been
bothered by intractable pain probably cannot relate to the joy of money well-spent,
as ironic as that-sounds