Applying Enrac CMT along with muscle rehabilitation training during the acute phase
of stroke should obtain maximum therapeutic effect from the treatment.----
I suffered a stroke in Hanoi Vietnam on October 23rd of2008. A brain hemorrhage on
the right side caused paralysis of the left side of my body after a series of diagnosis. I was told by my doctor that my left arm was hopeless, that my chance of recovery
was next to nothing ..3 months later to day I am going back to Vietnam without
wheelchair or Crutches every body was in disbelief over my speedy recovery.
They were all very impressed and amazed by Taiwanese medical science.
In the patient's words:
My name is Zhi- Shu Chang,I am 50 years of age, and I suffered a stroke in Hanoi
Vietnam on October 23rd of 2008. A brain hemorrhage on the right side caused
paralysis of the left side of my body, and I was sent to a local French hospital for first
aid, then after I returned to Taiwan, I stayed in the neurological and rehabilitation
department of Changhua Christian Hospital, and after a series of diagnosis, I was told
that my left arm was hopeless, that my chance of recovery was next to nothing.
Today is February 20th, 2009, and after two months of treatment from Dr. Wu using
Enrac CMT, 1 can now lift my arm up and straighten my elbow. I will go back to
Vietnam later this month to continue the operation of my company. I want to thank all
the doctors in Changhua Christian Hospital that helped me and Dr. Wu for his effort,
the doctors in Changhua Christian Hospital that helped me and Dr. Wu for his effort,
and lastly I truly think Enrac CMT is an extremely therapeutic therapy that helped me
a great deal in my recovery!
In the doctoe words:
Mr.Chen is a 49 year old patient. He fell ill on October 23rd, 2008, and was checked
into an intensive care unit in Vietnam after he suffered an apoplexy. He was then
transported back to Taiwan by charter plane. The patient came to me because his sister
was a patient of mine, and I was asked to provide medical advice after he was
discharged from the general ward; I felt Enrac CMT was the ideal treatment for him.
With Changhua Christian Hospital's constant effort and care, the patient woke up in the
middle of November. The patient came to my outpatient clinic about two weeks after
he fell ill in a wheelchair on November 15th, 2008. He had lost a lot of weight and seemed
powerless and weak. I conducted a basic examination and noticed how stiff his
extremities were. He could not move his left arm and leg. After I explained the following
procedure to him, I felt hopeful and decided to fully utilize Enrac CMT to help him
restore his body's balance. Dr. Ko taught us that to treat a stroke patient, the treatment
should mainly focus on the upper center of the patient, I started to focus on the upper-
right side of the brain and link the diseased area, this method will prevents the
symptoms from getting worse. While I did not employ the "enhancement" technique
on him, I stressed the treatment on his upper CNS first.
After I treated his upper CNS for a week, he showed obvious improvement, so that
about 10 days later, he no longer needed his wheelchair.He still had the stiffness and
pain in his arm, but his wheelchair had been replaced by crutches,and his arm felt
relaxed and improved after each treatments. The whole treatment process lasted about
three weeks. I felt his condition had been somewhat controlled and started to treat his
lower nervous system of lower limbs on December
To treat the yang meridian of the arms and the yin meridian of the feet, I employed an
early prescription from Dr.Ko to treat apoplexy (stroke).After 6-8 weeks of treatment,
a post-stroke pain developed, and even normal touch caused him pain.
Because my treatment was mainly focused on post-stroke physical activity, such
thinking led to a blind spot, and I mistook his pain as myalgia.
Dr. Ko came back to Taiwan around January in order to train fellow Enrac physicians,
and while Dr. Ko was in town,I asked him to take a look at the patient.After Dr. Ko' s
diagnosis, Dr. Ko was able to find out that the pain was caused by Atlas lesion which
led to nerve cell damage in the upper brainstem; therefore he prescribed a new
treatment for Du Meridian and upper AyIll . Ayll . Axlll .Axll.
The patient was also having numbness in one side of the face and rib cage, Dr. Ko
concluded from the diagnosis that those symptoms were a indication of a lesion in the
upper brainstem, he then prescribed the treatment:
Aylll . Ayll . Axlll . Axll: bc+c+d.
Though most brain stem stroke symptoms are presented in the lower limbs,I adopted
Dr. Ko' s suggestion and started the treatment from lower limbs.
The patient was on crutches and no longer in his wheelchair when I started to treat him
with the new prescription. His limbs felt even more relaxed after each new prescribed
treatment, and soon after,he was able to walk with a firm step. The improvement was
evident. The patient consulted with me and asked if he would be able to return to
Vietnam to resume his business, and after two more weeks of treatment and careful
observation, I told him he was able to go back to Vietnam.
Mr. Chang described to me how all his workers and friends in Vietnam were all in
disbelief over his speedy recovery. They were all very impressed and amazed by
Taiwanese medical science.
I was able to gain new medical knowledge and insights under Dr. Ko's instruction.
Knowing that the patient suffered from post-stroke CRPS, Dr. Ko was able to notice
some of the details and not get caught up in semantics. The patient's pain was greatly
reduced on the night he received the treatment. After several weeks of follow-up
evaluation and CMT treatments along with muscle rehabilitation training, the patient is
now well on his way to regain his body strength and normal daily functions.
Dr. Ko's diagnosis
The patient was unconscious for two weeks, the paralysis in yang side of his left hand
and yin side of his left foot was caused by pathological changes of the cerebrum.
The untouchable pain in left chest and face was caused by damaged nerve fibers.
Compression of the cells in the lower brain-pons contributed to the impairment of visual
function and conscious disturbance.