Mrs. Zhuang is one of' my most memorable patient in my career as a doctor, she is
also one of the reason my relentless learning of Enrac CMT.---Dr.CHIN CHIANG CHI
I met Mrs.Zhuang 10 plus years ago, we had not seen each others in years......
disorder because of how commonit is among modern day people until one day a
mutual friend told me about her conditions and reminded me to give them a call, the truth was I am a gynecologists, and I remembered Mr.Zhuang being quite; so
my first thought was I did not know what I can help them from, couple days later
the mutual friend had told Mr.Zhuang about the therapeutic effect of CMT.
Mr. Zhuang called me and asked me if I can help him with his wife's illness, he
told me he had not worked for years so he could stay home and take care of his
wife, his wife, Mrs.Zhuang had been bothered by her depression for over10 years.
I visited her the next day, it was until then I realized what a terrible disorder
depression is,I have known this married couple for over 10 years, I remembered
ms. Wang being pretty,outgoing and full of energy, today she stood in front of me
emotionlessly she was wan and sallow. She sat in a chair motionlessly and
seemed alarmed.
Mr. Zhuang told me she does not like visitors. she needed to get up and drink
water on the hour, she had learned to coexist with the psychogenic diseases and
live by a repetitive pattern, she had to eat at the exact time with the exact same
foods everyday, she even sleep at the same time, she had to have one bowel
movement every 2 days, even with the use of enema to stimulate bowel contractions,
she was doing the same old things, day in and day out.
After Mr. Zhuang explained to me of her condition I finally understood why there
was such animosity in her eyes, she did not hope people to come in and interrupt
her life pattern,she did not want to listen to people's advices,she felt the need to
follow a certain pattern so that her life would be safe and under control,after a
brief conversation with her. I told her I know she was having difficulty with
defecation and I could improve her condition by just press few treatment points;
she finally reluctantly agreed to be treated.
Then the unexpected and strange thing happened the next day, Mr. Zhuang called
me the next day and told me Mrs. Zhuang had farted. she had not passed gas for
years, Mr.Zhuang often strain to hold in the passing of gas.
Mr. Zhuang expressed his optimism about the treatment, and assured me that he
will figured out a way to get Mrs. Zhunang to come to the hospital for full treatments,
She had to be persuaded or even forced to come to the treatments, after two weeks
of treatment, her constipation was treated. she did not come back until half month
later when she was constipated again.
The interesting thing was after the first treatment, her bowel movements were moist
and smooth, but after her return to the treatment it took almost half month to a month
for her to restore normal bowel movement again, even though my treatment
prescriptions were for her depression, the patient mainly evaluated the progress
by her bewl movements Somehow she continued with the treatment while her
condition was somewhat unstable and her opinions regarding the treatments had
been nothing but negative, I felt even though she was in denial, there must be a
part of her inside that recognized and felt the benefits of the CMT.
After 2 to 3 months of treatment, her chest tightness symptom had improved, and
for the first time an encouraging sign of progress became visible; one day after
our treatment session, she passed by to drink water and actually looked up and
gave me a smile, even though the smile was stiff and forced, the smile was
something I had never seem from her before.
Be sides the smile, I noticed the way she interact with people had softened and
she was more willing to speak, her mood had improved even though she still refused to go out side and still had to have the same foods; her chest tightness, heart
palpitations and sleep quality had also improved, her bowel movement was
normal with a slight flatulence problem.
normal with a slight flatulence problem.
After almost half yeaf of treatment, she finally made dramatic improvements started
from September of last year. I was having dinner with Dr. Ko at the time and we
discussed the development of the case, Dr. Ko told me about the need to bring
down the accumulative effect and inflammation in the upper brainstem,as I was
having tons of doubt about her further improvement.
I followed Dr.Ko's instruction and the change came in September where she
started to make changes in life, she was over all significantly improved. She transformed from stupefied to vibrant and full of life, she laughed and smiled,
and for the first time she changed her breakfast menu, she started to try a variety
of' foods, she also started to going out with her husband once or twice a week.
Then came October, I saw them walk out of the elevator hand in hand, in November
she started to dress up her self again, she started to use her old name brand purses,
she seemed to regain her energy level and had some what restore interest in daily
Even though she has not fully recovered (she still experiences autonomic nervous
system disorders with symptoms like nervousness and heart palpitations), today she is
already a completely different person in comparison to the person she was March
of last year
This case made me realized that to treat longterm illnesses and conditions through
meridians require time and patience, the way how adoctor communicate and help
the patients to regain their confidence is crucial, though the case is a bit different
because I was already known by the patient before she fell ill (it was a little easier
for me to gain her trust), now she often joked around and said I know her feelings
better than her husband does. I think all doctor shave to be empathetic and try one's
best to relate to the patients, having patience and being encouraging are important.
Enrac Ko Medicine is a system that always listen to the patients because the way
patients describing their own symptoms are saying something about themselves
and it can provide key background information, we as Enrac physicians can not
psychogenic diseases is .